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Contradictions And Discrepancies Among The Four Gospels

The errors, contradictions and interpolations seen in the existing Gospels are uncountably numerous. Many of them are explained in the book Iz-hâr-ul-haqq. Also, there is extensive and detailed information in this respect in books that were written and are still being written and published by a number of German orientalists such as Joizer, Davis, Miel, Kepler, Maçe, Bred Schneider, Griesbach Huge, Lesinag, Herder, Straus, Haus, Tobian, Thyl, Carl Butter, and many others. Here we shall only mention a few of them.

There is a great difference between the Gospels of Matthew and Luke concerning the ancestors of Îsâ ‘sall-allâhu alâ Nebiyyinâ wa alaihi wa sallam’.

In the Gospel of Matthew, the following names are written as the ancestors of Îsâ ‘alaihis-salâm’: “Ibrahim (Abraham), Is-haq (Isaac), Ya’qûb (Jacob), Yahûdâ (Judas), Fâris (Pha’res), Hazron (Es’rom), Irâm (A’ram), Aminadab (A-min’a-dab), Nahshon (Na-as’son), Salmon (Sal’mon), Buaz (Bo’oz), Obid (O’bed), Yesse (Jesse), Dâwûd (David), Suleymân (Solomon), Rehobeam (Ro-bo’am), Abiya (A-bi’a), Asâ (Asa), Yehashafat (Jos’a-phat), Yorâm (Joram), Uzziyâ (O-zi’as), Yotam (Jo’a-tham), Ahaz (A’chaz), Hazkiyâ (Ez-e-ki’as), Manassa (Manas’ses), Amon (A’mon), Yoshiâ (Jo-si’as), Yaqonyâ (Jech-o-ni’as), Shaltoil (Sa-la’thi-el),[20] Zarubâbel (Zo-rob’a-bel), Abihûd (A-bi’ud), Alyâkim (E-li’a-kim), Azor (Azor), Sâdok (Sa’doc), Ahim (A’chim), Elliud (E-li’ud), Eliazar (E-le-a’zar), Mattan (Mat’than), Ya’qûb (Jacob), Yûsuf (Joseph) (Maryam’s husband).” (Matt.: 1-1 thr. 16)

On the other hand, in the twenty-third and later verses of the third chapter of the Gospel of Luke the following names are written: “Târûh (Tha’ra), Ibrâhîm (Abraham), Is-haq (Isaac), Ya’qûb (Jacob), Yahûdâ (Juda), Fâris (Pha’res), Hasron (Es’rom), Arâm (A’ram), Aminadab (A-min’adab), Nahshon (Na-as’son), Salmon (Sal’mon), Buaz (Bo’oz), Obid (O’bed), Yesse (Jesse), Dâwûd (David), Nâtân (Nathan), Mattatha (Mat’ta-tha), Mînân (Me-nan), Milya (Me’le-a), Alyakîm (E-li’a-kim), Yonan (Jo’nan), Yûsuf (Joseph), Yahûdâ (Juda), Sem’ûn (Simeon), Lâvî (Levi), Met-thâd (Mat’that), Yorîm (Jo’rim), Eliazâr (E-li-e’zer), Yushâ (Jo’se), Eyr (Er), Almodam (El-mo’dam), Kosam (Co’sam), Addi (Ad’di), Melkî (Mel’chi), Neyrî (Ne’ri), Shaltoil (Sa-la’thi-el), Zerubâbel (Zo-rob’a-bel), Risa (Rhe’sa), Yuhannâ (Jo-an’na), Yahûdâ (Juda), Yûsuf (Joseph), Shemî (Sem’e-i), Mattathiya (Mat-ta-thi’as), Mahat (Ma’ath), Nâdjay (Nag’ge), Heslî (Es’li), Nahum (Na’um), Amos (Amos), Metasiya (Mat-ta-thi’as), Yûsuf (Joseph), Yannâ (Jan’na), Melkî (Mel’chi), Lâvî (Levi), Met-that (Mat’that), Heli (He’li), Yûsuf (Joseph) (Maryam’s husband).” (Luke: 3-23 thr. 34)

1 — According to Matthew, Yûsuf (who is said to be the father of Îsâ ‘alaihis-salâm) is the son of Ya’qûb. According to Luke, he is the son of Helî. Matthew is a person close to Îsâ ‘alaihis-salâm’. And Luke is a disciple of Peter’s. They are supposed to be the people to study and observe a person close to them, and yet they seem to fall short of making investigation wholesome enough to write correctly the name of a person who they say was the grandfather of Îsâ ‘alaihis-salâm’; now, who on earth will trust or believe their other narratives?

2 — According to Matthew, Suleymân ‘alaihis-salâm’ is the son of Dâwûd ‘alaihis-salâm’. And according to Luke the son of Dâwûd ‘alaihis-salâm’ is Nâtân, not Suleymân ‘alaihis-salâm’.

3 — Matthew says that Shaltoil is the son of Yaqunyâ. But Luke says he is the son of Neyrî. In Matthew, the name of Zerubâbel’s son is Abihûd, whereas in Luke it is Risâ. What is equally startling is that in the nineteenth verse of the third chapter of the Akhbâr-i-eyyâm Safar-i-ûlâ, that is, of the First Chronicles, the names of Ze-rub’ba-bel’s sons are written as Me-shul’lam and Han-a-ni’ah.[21] There is no mention of A-bi’ud or Rhe’sa there.